From 28th March till 7th April 2022 7 young people and 1 leader from Latvia, Rezekne participated in the Erasmus + Youth exchange project “Stay Safe” in Kaunas, Lithuania. Project was organized by the organization Unique Projects. European Association “World-Our Home” was the project partner.
“Stay Safe” was a 10 days Youth Exchange project which was organized in Kaunas,
Lithuania and it gathered participants from 5 countries – Lithuania, Latvia,
Poland, Bulgaria and Italy to change attitudes about internet safety and
raise digital skills.
Internet security is a very relevant topic nowadays like never before. Very often internet safety, data privacy and security are not considered of high importance and people only rarely take additional actions or use privacy tools to ensure their safety on internet. Because of that and various fraudulent activities online, identity thefts, stalking and others, we see the importance to learn and teach about internet safety others. During the project we touched a topic related to cyber security. Project was financed by the EU Erasmus+ programme.
Project‘s objectives:
* To analyze the reasons of irresponsible online behavior and look for
solutions with 36 young participants (+6 leaders);
* To learn about benefits of using privacy tools for 36 young participants (+6
leaders) and local communities;
* To change attitude and behavior with private personal data, using improved
digital skills for 36 young participants (+6 leaders) and local communities.
We would like to share with you an e-book that was created after the project, about 4 internet security tools that every person should know / use and thus ensure greater security while browsing the internet.