2023 – Projects in Latvia

European Solidarity Corps project “Quality Label 2”

Project started on 01/01/2022 and finished on 31/12/2023.

Project number: 2021-2-LV02-ESC51-VTJ-000044990

The volunteer from Ukraine Maria Pakhomova worked in Social Department of the municipality of Rezekne from May 2022 till May 2023. The volunteer from Georgia Miranda Dumbadze worked in Social Department of the municipality of Rezekne from December 2022 till December 2023.

The volunteer from Turkey Mustafa Yasar worked in Social Department of the municipality of Rezekne from December 2022 till December 2023.

Zhaneta PETROSYAN from Armenia was a volunteer in Social Department of the municipality of Rezekne from May 2023 till December 2023. The main tasks for the volunteer who worked in Social Department consisted of organizing creative activities in the Day center, language workshops, working in the Multifunctional center with young people with disabilities.

The main motivation of the organization Rezekne City Council Administration “Social Department” to participate in the European Solidarity Corps programme and implement of volunteering activities is to promote solidarity between different generations, nations, cultures and religions, to contribute to strengthening of democracy, citizenship in Europe and European cooperation as well to develop skills of all volunteers and people involved in the work of Social Department.

Through the volunteering activities we are able to provide intercultural learning opportunities for our local citizens, as well as for young people and pensioners, giving them a unique opportunity to learn about other countries’ customs and traditions, but at the same time sharing with the volunteers culture, traditions and customs of our nation that is different from many Western European countries.

The volunteer from Turkey Sukruye Yildiz worked in the Pre-School “Namiņš” in Rezekne, Latvia from December 2022 till December 2023.

The volunteer from Georgia Badri Dgebuadze worked in the Pre-School “Namiņš” in Rezekne, Latvia from December 2022 till December 2023. The main tasks for the volunteer in the kindergarten "Namiņš" consisted of assisting teachers during the workshops, support activities related to the meal serving, preparing the lessons and education tools together with teachers, talking to and playing with children, providing them with language lessons, organizing different music, dance, sport games and activities.

The volunteer from Turkey Emirhan ALTAN was a volunteer in European Association “World-Our Home” from August 2023 till December 2023.

The main motivation of the organization EA “World-Our Home” for implementation of volunteering activities is to promote solidarity between different generations, nations, cultures and religions, to contribute to strengthening democracy and citizenship in Europe and European cooperation.

We organized also 2 short term activities in the framework of this project:

Irakli CHAGIASHVILI from Georgia worked in short term volunteering project from June 2023 till August 2023.

Beyza Nur ÇIYIM from Turkey worked for 1 month in December 2023 in EA “World-Our Home”. 2 volunteers from Latvia Olga STROGONOVA and Kirils PECKA participated in the short term project in Armenia from July 2023 till September 2023.

The project objectives are the following: to give young people opportunities to learn new sets of professional skills, gain experience in leadership, team building and communication, develop intercultural dialogue and cooperation between young people and local inhabitants for better employment opportunities in the future. Through this project we want to promote solidarity between nations, to integrate and unite the European volunteers and local young people, promoting European cultures, languages and European Solidarity Corps programme, as well as to make changes in young people's life and environment around them. The project has a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. As a result of the project, the partner organization will gain a new experience in cooperation with partners and implementation of a qualified project.

Seminar “New Erasmus – New Opportunities”

European Association “World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus + Youth Worker Mobility Project – Seminar “New Erasmus – New Opportunities” from 20-26 April.

35 participants from 11 European countries participated in the project – Latvia, Germany, Croatia, Italy, Malta, Bulgaria, Spain, Lithuania, Turkey, Macedonia, Greece. Project was financed by the Erasmus + programme.

The project aims of the project were to increase the capacity of European youth NGOs and their staff to organize youth activities and nonformal education activities and to involve young people in the new Erasmus + and ESC programs, ensuring the establishment of long-term, high-quality projects and partnerships.

The aim was reached and participants got a lot of new ideas, new partners, raised the capacity of NGOs, by providing youth workers with new skills and competencies in organizing events in the new Erasmus + program.

The project "New Erasmus – New Opportunities" was the Erasmus + seminar. During the project workshops the organizations discussed future cooperation, capacity building of youth organizations, active participation of young people in youth programs, acquisition and development of new knowledge and skills, as well as raising the knowledge of youth workers about working with young people with fewer opportunities, the digital environment, green thinking.

Within the framework of the project, we cooperated with the Eastern Latvian creative service center “Zeimuls”.

Many thanks to all people who helped to realized this project, also Erasmus + programme and Agency for International Programs for Youth for funding. And also many thanks to our trainer Stanistavs Babins, who created the wonderful space for learning in non-formal, creative way.

Link for the Video:


Training course “Digital Youth Work”

European Association “World-Our Home” director Natalija Covvo project coordinator Dace Deksne and financial manager Julija Springe organized the Erasmus + Youth Worker Mobility Project – Training course “Digital Youth Work” from 13 th  – 19 th  June 2023.

34 participants from 18 European countries participated in the project – Latvia, Croatia, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Lithuania, Turkey, Poland. Project was financed by the Erasmus + programme.

This training course aims to give youth workers space to experience and share digital tools and approaches as well as investigate new opportunities, all the while having an eye on the realities and challenges of using them with young people. The aim was reached and participants got a lot of new ideas, useful digital tools, new partners, raised the capacity of NGOs, by providing youth workers with new skills and competencies in Digital youth work.

The project “Digital Youth Work” was the Erasmus + training course. During the project workshops the organizations discussed about the opportunities and challenges in digital youth work, develop digital competences and recognise how to apply them in youth work, explored and reviewed digital youth work tools and methodologies, there was the chance to test traditional methods in digital spaces, there was opportunity to share own expertise and learn from international peers. Within the framework of the project, we cooperated with the Eastern Latvian creative service center “Zeimuls”.

Many thanks to all people who helped to realized this project, also Erasmus + programme and Agency for International Programs for Youth for funding. And also many thanks to our trainer Līga Siliņa, who created the wonderful space for learning in non- formal, creative way.

Link for the Video:


Training course “Power of volunteering projects”

European Association “World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus + Youth Worker Mobility Project – Training course “Power of volunteering projects” from 16 th  – 22 nd  October 2023.

35 participants from 10 European countries participated in the project – Latvia, Croatia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Greece, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova. Project was financed by the Erasmus + programme.

The AIM of the training course “Power of Volunteering projects” was to improve and raise the quality of the implementation of volunteering projects with a focus on ESC and thus ensuring the higher-quality of the project activities for all actors in the project cycle  (volunteer, host organization, supporting organization, mentor, supervisor) as well as for the other target groups – different institutions, local volunteers, local community, etc. With this project, we want to achieve understanding, transparency and successful implementation of all steps of the volunteering projects as well as to provide space and opportunity for networking and collaboration with partners in which organizations can help and support themselves during the realization of their current and future volunteering projects.

The aim was reached and participants got a lot of new ideas, new information about ESC and Erasmus+ projects,  new partners, raised the capacity of NGOs, by providing youth workers with new skills and competencies in the field of youth work.    The project “Power of Volunteering projects” was the Erasmus + training course. During the project workshops the organizations discussed about different opportunities, challenges, develop their knowledge about volunteering projects, ESC programme.

During the project there was a visit to Eastern Latvian creative service center “Zeimuls”,and common orientation game with local Rezekne volunteers and youth council representatives “Find the democracy in the dark”.

Many thanks to all people who helped to realize this project, also Erasmus + programme and Agency for International Programs for Youth for funding. And also many thanks to our trainer Stanislavs Babins, who created the wonderful space for learning in non- formal, creative way.

Seminar “SYNERGY”

European Association “World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus + Seminar “Synergy” on 13th – 19th July 2023. 32 participants from 4 European countries participated in the project – Latvia, Italy, Czech Republic and North Macedonia. Project was financed by the Erasmus + programme. The “SYNERGY” project is designed to create a single platform both for the free interweaving of creative flows of youth leaders and workers from different backgrounds and realities and for the structural building of partnerships in the field of creativity. This project aim is to give youth leaders and workers space to experience and share creativity and creative approaches in the youth work. The aim was reached, and the participants created the common creative space for new ideas, new inspirations and long-lasting partnership in the field of creativity. During the project different non-formal education methods were implemented – group work, individual work, creative workshops using theater, music, dances and poetry, field visits, the participants discussed about the opportunities and challenges in the work with youth. Within the framework of the project, we cooperated with the Makashani vocational secondary school, which was the place for inspiration and synergy of the participants. Many thanks to all people who helped to realize this project, also Erasmus + programme and Agency for International Programs for Youth for funding.


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