2019 – Projects in Latvia

Erasmus + KA 3 Civil Society Cooperation: Youth

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The aim of European Association “World – Our Home” in the work program 2019 is to continue the promotion of active participation of young people and youth workers in democratic life, youth policy, decision-making process, European matters, as well as promotion of intercultural, social and professional activities through non-formal learning, involving youth into it and promoting qualitative development of youth work.

The implementation of the work program was reached with cooperation of 14 member organizations from 14 EU countries and 18 active partner organizations from EU countries. The work program supported and developed a high quality of youth activities across Europe, contributing to their recognition and creating a sustainable impact of youth involvement into education and employment. It involved 3483 direct and about 30 000 indirect participants from Europe. WOH will continue to build new contacts with national and European youth NGOs and public institutions with the aim to unite the common objectives to enable equal opportunities for active youth democratic participation on EU’s level.

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EVS project “EVS Unites Youth 2”


In 2019 the European volunteers Nils Burkert from Germany and Francesca Quitadamo from Italy continued to participate in the EVS project "EVS Unites Youth". Francesca Quitadamo worked in European Association "World-Our Home” till August 2019. Nils Burkert worked in the kindergarten “Namins” till March 2019. The main aim of the project was to integrate and unite the European volunteers and local young people, promoting European cultures, languages and Erasmus + programme. In this way we wanted to improve the understanding of youth and surrounding people about European awareness and involve them into European social processes by giving an opportunity to communicate with and get on with other European cultures. The volunteer from Italy worked in European Association "World-Our Home". Her duties were to inform Rezekne society about traditions and culture of her country of origin, thus motivating for participation in various European youth exchanges and European Voluntary Service. The volunteer also helped in daily work of the staff, in preparation of seminars and meetings, in communication with partners via e-mail, in organization of different events, as well as in providing information about voluntary service and different opportunities for youth.

She organized English, German and Italian language lessons for local people. Volunteers’ communication with local young people made a great contribution in their educational process. The project had a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. As a result of the project the partner organizations got new experience in cooperation with partners, implementation of a qualified project, increasing the number of sending volunteers. The hosting organizations got experience in hosting volunteers, they got to know other cultures, felt intercultural environment in a working place every day, got new ideas, methods and experience. The volunteers got a big experience doing their tasks in the hosting organizations, it affected the future of young people's career choices, professional and personal growth.

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Youth exchange project „Fast Fashion - be the change!””

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From 10 June 2019 to 19 June 2019, the European Association “World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus + Youth Exchange project “Fast Fashion - Be the Change!” The project involved 33 participants from 6 European countries - Latvia, Italy, France, Greece, Hungary and Turkey.

The aim of the project was to raise young people's awareness of the "fast fashion industry" and its impact on the environmental, social and economic problems caused by the overproduction of clothing. All project activities were aimed at reducing the huge negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment and human health.

The fashion industry is the second largest polluter after the oil industry in terms of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the clothing production process, from the production and processing of raw materials from substance to fabrics, to the sewing and transport of clothing to consumers and from the use of clothing to delivery.

The exchange project lasted 10 days. At the beginning of the project activities were used to get to know each other, work in a team to increase knowledge of other countries in the fast fashion industry, how it affects the environment and ecology, how human rights are respected and what real measures are taken to reduce overproduction and use old clothes. During the project the young people created batik T-shirts for themselves, gained new knowledge about the fast fashion industry, participated in the Martha's Ball in Rēzekne town. The second part of the project was dedicated to preparing for the final event - Fashion Show, which took place at ARPC "Zeimuļs". The young people made costumes from old clothes and performed according to the fashion of the 20s-30s, the fashion of the 40s-50s, the fashion of the 60s-70s and the fashion of the 80s-90s. The main aim of this activity was to inform the local population that when shopping in large quantities and buying cheap clothes, one should think about what is behind it and how much overproduction of clothing is in the world. The main idea of the project was to invite everyone to think about their clothing buying habits, as well as about what happens to clothes when we don’t need them any more.

The European Association "World-Our Home" has been operating in Rēzekne, Latvia since 1999. The organization EA “World – Our Home” provides opportunities for European young people to acquire non-formal education, improve their skills and competencies, participate in international projects, European youth exchange programs, seminars, training courses. The organization EA WOH gives opportunities to young people for their successful careers, as well as it promotes the integration of local youth into European processes.

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EVS project „Jeunesse et Culture en Normandie”

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Bryann Horckmans from France works in European Association „World-Our Home” as an EVS volunteer. He will work in European Association "World-Our Home” till August 2020. His duties are to work in the office, to create some new ideas for the projects, to help in writing the youth projects , to inform Rezekne society about traditions and culture of his country of origin, thus motivating for participation in various European youth exchanges and European Voluntary Service. The volunteer helps in daily work of the staff, preparation of seminars and meetings, communication with partners via e-mail, organization of different events, as well as in providing information about voluntary service and different opportunities for youth. The volunteers` communications with local young people make a great contribution in their educational process. The project had a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. The volunteer gets a good experience doing his tasks in the hosting organization, it can affect the future of his career choices, professional and personal growth.

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EVS project “Nations and Generations 2”

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In 2018-2019 in cooperation with partner-organizations „La Vibria” and „Jugendkulturarbeit” two European volunteers from Germany and Spain participated in the project "Nations and Generations" in Rezekne, Latvia and worked in Rezekne Pensioners' Social Service Center and Kindergarten "Namiņš". The aim of this project was to promote intergenerational understanding of cultural diversity and to promote tolerance and mutual understanding among people, as well as to develop intercultural dialogue and cooperation between foreign young people and local inhabitants of Rezekne. In this way we want to improve the understanding of youth and surrounding people about European awareness and involve them into European social processes by giving an opportunity to communicate and get to know other European cultures. Nowadays there is a weak communication and collaboration between different generations, which increase social exclusion and affect the quality of life for all generations. Different generations should cooperate among themselves and respect each another. The volunteers from Germany and Spain implemented activities in Rezekne Pensioners' Social Service Center with old people and young people with special needs and in the kindergarten "Namiņš".

The main tasks for the volunteer who worked in the Pensioner's Center consisted of helping the staff to take care of old people and youth with special needs, organizing creative activities in the Center, language workshops, doing sport activities and exercises, walking outside with old people and young people with special needs. The volunteers can make the seniors’ life in the Center more colourful, active and international. A volunteer Maria from Germany worked in the kindergarten „Namiņš”. Her work consisted of assisting teachers during the workshops, support activities related to a meal serving, preparing the lessons and education tools together with teachers, talking to and playing with children, providing them with language lessons, organizing different music, dance, sport games and activities. All project activities were based on non-formal education methods, thus allowing young people to acquire new knowledge, skills, competences, to learn new things, to develop themselves both professionally and personally. The volunteers’ communication with local young people made a great contribution in their educational process. The project had a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. As a result of the project, the partner organizations gained a new experience in cooperation with partners, in implementation of a qualified project, in increasing of the number of sending volunteers. The hosting organizations gained a good experience by hosting the volunteers, they got to know other cultures, felt intercultural environment in a working place every day, gained new ideas, methods and experience. The volunteers got a big experience doing their tasks in hosting organisations, it will affect the future of young people's career choices, professional and personal growth.

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Seminar "Religious Tolerance in Common Society"

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From 21 May 2019 to 27 May 2019, the European Association "World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus + Seminar "Religious Tolerance in Common Society" Nr. 2018-3-LV02-KA105-002305 in Rēzekne within the framework of the ERASMUS + program. The project involved 36 participants from 17 European youth organizations and 15 European and neighboring countries - Latvia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Macedonia, Italy, Jordan, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Greece, Israel, Romania, Russia, and Turkey.

The main aim of the project was to broaden the horizons and knowledge of religions and religious dialogue and tolerance among youth workers and youth leaders by analyzing the realities of each country and ways to develop them through youth work, thus raising young people's awareness of important issues today, the religious diversity of people and their tolerance of religious diversity in a common Europe.

This seminar facilitated a dialogue between youth workers and youth leaders on the different religions in the European Union and neighboring countries and on how to ensure religious tolerance among different nationalities. All the participants represented youth organizations, and it is very important for the organizations working with young people to be involved in the fight against intolerance, discrimination, violence and terrorism, so that we can live in a peaceful and tolerant world in the future. During the project, all the participants also went on study visits to the churches of Rēzekne: to the Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Rēzekne which represents the Catholic faith; to the Orthodox Church of the Blessed Virgin in Rēzekne; to the Green Synagogue of Rezekne which is a Jewish church; and to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity in Rezekne. In the evaluation of this training course, participants acknowledged that the knowledge and experience gained from the project will be very useful in working with young people across Europe. The participants emphasized that they were surprised that in a small town like Rezekne there are so many different religious confessions, churches, and all people are very tolerant and friendly to each other.

The participants had the opportunity to participate and enjoy the festival "Seven Hills" in Rezekne, which took place on May 24 and 25. The participants of the project were very satisfied by such a high quality festival in Rēzekne and so many cultural activities. Participants admitted that Rēzekne is a very beautiful, tidy, green and spacious town. There are so many opportunities to be creative, to attend cultural events, young people have the opportunity to improve and develop their skills and abilities. The European Association "World-Our Home" has been operating in Rēzekne since 1999. The organization EA “World – Our Home” provides opportunities for local young people to acquire non-formal education, improve their skills and competencies, participate in international projects, European youth exchange programs, seminars, training courses. The organization EA “World – Our Home” gives the good opportunities to European young people for their successful careers, as well as it promotes the integration of local youth into European processes.

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Europe for Citizens project "15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement"

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Project "15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement" is financed by Europe for Citizens programme, Strand 1 - Remembrance and created by four organizations from four European countries- Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. Participating organizations are KOBIETY.LODZ.PL from Poland, Lodz; Unique Projects from Lithuania, Kaunas; MTÜ Noored Toredate Mõtetega from Estonia, Tartu and the project coordinator European Association “World-Our Home” from Latvia, Rezekne.

2019 is a year of remembrance, marking the 15th Anniversary of the Enlargement of the EU. The theme of the project is devoted to this very important event in the life of a lot of European citizens and European countries.

The AIMS of the project are:
1. to raise awareness of citizens about an important historical, economic and political event in 2004 - the enlargement of the EU, which was the largest expansion of the EU in terms of territory, number of states and population;
2. to involve social organizations, town municipalities, museums, libraries, universities and schools into the project for cross-sectorial cooperation to achieve more success in the activities of the project;
3. to create the stable network of Eastern European countries with the aim to disseminate the values of the EU among European and neighbouring countries, to strengthen the EU on its eastern border, to work together for the benefits of the European society.

This anniversary is an excellent starting point for analyses and debates on the Eastern countries' transition from dictatorship to democracy and their 15 years integration and achievements after the EU expansion. Conferences and seminars with presentation of analyses how the EU accession influenced democratic standards and practices in Eastern European countries, photo exhibitions (the theme - comparing the past and the present), video with interviews will be organized in every partner-country. An international conference with final analyses and a common photo exhibition will be held at the end of the project.

OUTCOMES: The final goal of these project's analyses, TV debates, public events, photo exhibitions, video is to promote the achievements of European expansion process and to advance future development of the EU. The network of EE countries will be created also for this purpose as a result of the project. About 390 direct and 20000 indirect participants will be involved in the project.
Project started in 2019 and it will be finished in 2021.

More information you can find in the home page of the project.


or in facebook page


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European Solidarity Corps project “Volunteers for Change”

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One volunteer from Germany Stefanie Meyer started this new European Solidarity Corps project and worked in the Pre-School “Namiņš” in Rezekne, Latvia from September 2019 till August 2020. The project partner organization is "JUGENDKULTURARBEIT EV" from Germany, Oldenburg.

The main tasks for the volunteer in the kindergarten „Namiņš” consisted of assisting teachers during the workshops, support activities related to the meal serving, preparing the lessons and education tools together with teachers, talking to and playing with children, providing them with language lessons, organizing different music, dance, sport games and activities. The main motivation of the organization EA “World-Our Home” for implementation of volunteering activities is to promote solidarity between different generations, nations, cultures and religions, to contribute to strengthening democracy and citizenship in Europe and European cooperation.

The project objectives are the following: to give young people opportunities to learn new sets of professional skills, gain experience in leadership, team building and communication, develop intercultural dialogue and cooperation between young people and local inhabitants for better employment opportunities in the future. Through this project we want to promote solidarity between nations, to integrate and unite the European volunteers and local young people, promoting European cultures, languages and European Solidarity Corps programme, as well as to make changes in young people's life and environment around them. The project has a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. As a result of the project, the partner organization will gain a new experience in cooperation with partners and implementation of a qualified project.

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Training course „Youth work for Youth Employability”

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The project Training course „Youth work for Youth Employability” Nr. 2018-3-LV02-KA105-002425 was organized by EA "World-Our Home" in Rezekne, Latvia from 1.04.-7.04.2019. Project partner organisations were from 14 countries and 16 organisations from Croatia, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Turkey, the UK, France, Germany, Greece, Spain, Malta and Latvia. The partner-organizations were European youth NGOs which work in the field of youth. In the training course there were used the following non-formal education methods: the acquaintance activities, the "ice breakers", the team building activities, brainstorming, energizers, the intercultural activities, round-table discussions, presentations, practical workshops, debates, evaluations, reflection time. This training course gathered 35 participants from 14 European countries and 16 organisations together with the organizers EA "WOH" from Latvia. The methodology of the project was based on the fundamental principles of non-formal education. The provided methods enabled participants to fully take part in the learning process.

Today young people are the most educated generation than ever. Nevertheless, they encounter difficulties in entering and remaining in the labour market. For many of them, the transition to work is problematic. Opportunities for young people to find a job are bound to the general state of the economy and overall employment situation in a country. However, they are also influenced by the education and skills young people possess, the relevance of these skills for the labour market and the possibilities available to youth to apply and use these skills.Youth work plays an important role in supporting the employability and employment of young people. Through youth work young people can develop and get knowledge, skills and competences and find a place in society and step into the labour market.

The project "Youth Work for Youth Employability" was a training course which aimed to boost youth workers` capacity to foster youth employability and entrepreneurship. This training course empowered the participants with competencies to help themselves and young people they work with to gain employability skills useful for the labour market and life.

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