World-Our Home News


Dissemination event of the project CERV “Don`t call it change”

Dissemination event was organized in the framework of CERV project “Don`t call it change”. Dissemination event was organized for 2 groups on 20.05.2024. and 21.05.2024. in […]

European Association „World-Our Home” celebrated European Day!

European Association „World-Our Home” celebrated European Day! Europe Day is a day of celebration for peace and unity in Europe. It is celebrated on the 5th […]

Activities to promote youth participation in the European Parliament Elections

In April and May 2024 EA “World-Our Home” continued to organize the set of workshops for young people to promote youth participation in the European Parliament […]

Erasmus+ project EcoVenture: Exploring Green Businesses in Action in North Macedonia

European Association “World-Our Home” participated in the Erasmus+ Study Visit program, EcoVenture: Exploring Green Businesses in Action in Bitola,North Macedonia from 16th – 23rd April 2024. […]

“Forward Together. Harnessing Digital Transformation for Inclusive and Sustainable Non-Formal Learning” in Kalamata, Greece

European Association “World-Our Home” participated in the Erasmus+ project “Forward Together”  Harnessing Digital Transformation for Inclusive and Sustainable Non-Formal Learning from 13th – 19th of April […]

Participation event “Youth involvement-for the future of Europe”

European Association "World-Our Home" organized the participation event which held on April 10 at 16.00 in the Rēzekne City Council. NGOs, schools and other stakeholders participated […]

Erasmus+ Seminar “Be Active-Be European” successfully finished

From April 8 to 14, European Association “World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus+ youth worker mobility project – seminar “Be Active-Be European” in Rezekne, Latvia. 35 participants […]

Erasmus + project “Youth CODE” 2024

European Association “World-Our Home” in 2024 is implementing the next period of the Erasmus + project “Cooperation for Youth Development (Youth CODE)”. Project is funded by […]

Erasmus + Staff mobility project “Be Active-Be European”

European Association “World-Our Home” will organize Erasmus+ project “Be Active-Be European” in Rezekne, Latvia from 8-14 April2024. The project “Be active – Be European” is designed […]

Activities to promote youth participation in the European Parliament elections

In February 2024 EA “World-Our Home” organized the set of workshops for young people to promote youth participation in the European Parliament elections 2024. Our aim […]

Youth forum in Rezekne

On 9th February 2024 in Rezekne Youth Forum was organized to look back on what has been accomplished during the year 2023. Forum was organized also […]


European Association "World-Our Home" activity is supported by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission, within the framework of the Erasmus […]

Eurodesk information point

Organization European Association “World-Our Home” this year 2023 has become an official EURODESK Latvia information point in Rēzekne!The organization is located in Rēzekne and has been working in the field […]

Final conference

European Association “World-Our Home”” on 14th December organized Final Conference of the project. It was held in Rezekne, Latvia in guest house “Zaļā sala”. Final conference […]

Volunteers in EA “World-Our Home” in 2023

The year 2023 for EA “World-Our Home” volunteers is almost over and full of new skills, international experiences, non-formal education, adventures, fun events, interesting people and […]

EA “World-Our Home” Activities 2023 in pictures


Workshops for youth to promote EU elections 2024

In November 2023 and December 2023 EA “World-Our Home” organized the set of workshops for young people to promote European Parliament elections 2024. Our aim is […]

Invitation for EA “World-Our Home” members, partners to participate in the Final Conference


Language lessons in EA “World-Our Home”

During all the year 2023 EA “World-Our Home” gives opportunity to young people and to all interested people to attend European language courses in our office […]

Seminar “ConnESCtion” in Spain

European Association “World-Our Home” participated in Erasmus + Seminar “ConnESCtion” in Spain from 21st-26th November 2023. ConnESCtion was a contact making seminar that aims to create […]

Seminar “Digital tools for enhancing youth work” in Spain

European Association “World-Our Home” from November 13 to 19, 2023 participated in the project “Digital tools for enhancing youth work” in Hondarribia (Basque Country, Spain). Project […]

Youth activity “Coffee with politicians”

14.11.2023. in Rezekne was organized the Youth activity “Coffee with Politicians”. It was the event where youth and decision makers created an open space for free […]

EPF pre-meeting in Spain

European Association “World-Our Home” representatives participated in European People Festival Pre-meeting in Spain, Aranda de Duero. Pre-meeting aim was to plan European People Festival 2024 which […]

Erasmus + project “Power of volunteering projects”

European Association “World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus + Youth Worker Mobility Project – Training course “Power of volunteering projects” from 16th – 22nd October 2023. 35 […]

Informative seminars/workshops for youth

European Association “World-Our Home” during 2023 organized informative seminars and workshops for young people, especially youth with fewer opportunities and youth from rural area, to spread […]

Erasmus + Days

Erasmus+ day in Rezekne. We are inspired for new ideas!!!! Erasmus + Day was organized on 11th October 2023. During the event, many local young people […]

Latvian volunteers in Armenia

This summer 2023 two our young people from Rezekne, Latvia participated in European Solidarity Corps short term volunteering project in Armenia. It was a great opportunity […]

Training course “Health On”

The “Health On” project is a training course that took place in A Coruña, Galicia, Spain from 25th September – 1st October 2023. European Association “World-Our […]

European Day of Languages

On 26th September EA “World-Our Home” organized Day of EU languages together with EU volunteers. Local young people together with volunteers participated in different activities, to […]

Photo exhibition in Rezekne

European Association “World-Our Home” organized photo exhibition in Rezekne city for local citizens, especially, young people and youth workers, to present the work which was done […]

Training course “Happiness for You(th)” in Bulgaria

Erasmus+ Training course “Happiness for You(th)” took place from 1-10 September 2023 in Bransko, Bulgaria. European Association “World-Our Home” participated in the project as a partner […]

Experience trip to Norway

ENG From August 21 to 24, representatives of the European Association “World-Our Home” Julija Springe, Natālija Covvo and Līna Zaharāne went on an experience exchange trip […]

APV meeting “Happiness for You(th)” in Luxembourg

The APV meeting took place on the 30th and 31st of August 2023. European Association “World-Our Home” representative Inese Rogozina participated in the meeting. During the […]

International Youth Day in Rezekne

We celebrated the International Youth Day together! 🔥🔥🔥 Rēzekne Open 2023 as part of the Sports night Friday, August 11, from 20.00 in the parking lot […]

Local volunteering in Rezekne city festival 2023

During Rezekne City Festival 2023 our local young people helped to organized different activities in order to get an experience how to organize big festivals. Festival […]

Erasmus + project “Digital Transformation”

“Digital transformation“ was Erasmus + Youth Exchange project from 3-11 August 2023 which was held in Kaunas, Lithuania and gathered participants from 4 countries – Lithuania, […]

Seminar “SYNERGY”

European Association “World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus + Seminar “Synergy” on 13th – 19th July 2023. 32 participants from 4 European countries participated in the project […]

Project „Transnational mobility of nonvocational adult education staff”

At the end of July 2023 European Association “World-Our Home” organized activities for the group of Polish educator in the framework of the project „Transnational mobility […]

Training Course “Digital Youth Work” from 13th – 19th June 2023

European Association “World-Our Home” director Natalija Covvo project coordinator Dace Deksne and financial manager Julija Springe organized the Erasmus + Youth Worker Mobility Project – Training […]

Local seminar about sustainable environment

European Association “World-Our Home” organized local seminar for young people in the framework of Ligo day in Latvia 23-24 June 2023 to raise the youth skills […]

Georgian Volunteer in World-Our Home

Hello, my name is Irakli 19 years old, I’m from Georgia, just arrived at Rezekne a few days ago and it’s calm energy is everywhere, you […]

Youth exchange “A Mindful Journey with the Little Prince” in Hungary

European Association “World-Our Home” participated in the Erasmus + project Youth exchange project “A Mindful Journey with the Little Prince” from 4-11 June in Hungary. This […]

New Volunteer from Armenia

Hi, I’m Janetta, I’m 21 years old and I’m from Armenia. It’s already my second week in Rezekne, Latvia. And it already feels like home. I […]


From the 26th of May till 02nd of June 2023 in Rabac, Croatia has implemented an Erasmus + project Study visit: Youth work in Croatia. in […]

Activities for youth to promote EU elections

“Without the participation of young people, the EU has no future“ On 25th May European Association “World-Our Home” organized workshops to promote active citizenship and EU […]

Training of Trainers in Wroclaw, Poland | 08-09.05.2023

Representatives of EA “World-Our Home” Julija Springe and Iveta Graudiņa participated in the training of trainers in Wroclaw, Poland from 08.05.2023-09.05.2023. Training was organized in the […]


Europe Day held on 9 May every year celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historic ‘Schuman declaration‘ that set out […]

Training Course “Digital Youth Work”

Erasmus+ Training Course “Digital Youth Work” will be organized in Rezekne, Latvia from 13th – 19th June 2023. Participants from 8 partner countries, this training course […]

Seminar “New Erasmus – New Opportunities” in Rēzekne

European Association “World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus + Youth Worker Mobility Project – Seminar “New Erasmus – New Opportunities” from 20-26 April. 35 participants from 11 […]

Partnership Building Activity “Tejeredes’”

European Association “World-Our Home” representative participated in Partnership Building Activity “Tejeredes” in Spain from 23-29 March 2023. This mobility for youth workers aims to create long-term […]

Erasmus+ Seminar “New Erasmus – New Opportunities”

Erasmus+ Seminar “New Erasmus – New Opportunities” will be organized in Rezekne, Latvia from 20th – 26th April 2023. Participants from 11 partner countries will learn […]

Our New Volunteer

Hi! My name is Badri, I’m 21 years old and I’m from Georgia. Before coming to Latvia, I have already experienced volunteering work. I helped a […]

Exploring European Volunteering

European Association “World-Our Home” representative participated in Erasmus+ Contact Making Event “Exploring European Volunteering” in North Macedonia from 23 to 29 January 2023. The idea behind […]

Regional Youth Forum

At the beginning of the year European Association “World-Our Home” together with EastLatvian creative youth center “Zeimuls” organized youth forum 2023. Forum was organized with an […]

Project “Youth CODE”

European Association “World-Our Home” is implementing the Erasmus + project “Cooperation for Youth Development (Youth CODE)”. Project is funded by the programme Erasmus + Civil Society […]

Volunteer from Turkey in Rezekne

I’m Mustafa, architect, from Turkey. 🏢 After three years of stressful architectural career, I came here to do what I volunteered.🪄 You will see how productive […]

New Volunteer from Turkey

Hello I am Sukriye and I am from Turkey I graduated from the philosophy department And I came to Rezekne to work in a kindergarten project. […]

Volunteer from Georgia in Rezekne

Hello everyone! My name is Miranda, I am a volunteer from the country of Georgia I decided to accept new challenges and try myself in this […]

23rd – 29th July 2022, Luxembourg became the home for the European People Festival

European Association «World-Our Home» is a member of European Association «European People Festival» since 2005. European People Festival took place in Luxembourg and invited guests from […]

Training Course “I Am Nice as Well” in Malta

The training course “I Am Nice as Well” in Malta was an X-Periment in Overcoming Youth Bullying through Theatre of the Oppressed Application. The project was […]

Newly Arrived Volunteer in World-Our Home

Hi everyone This September we are 2 good friends who have finally had the opportunity to do best long journey to Rezekne, Latvia. We are so […]

Youth Exchange “The Journey of Entrepreneurship” 12-21 June in Kaunas

Term “entrepreneurship“ is associated with the ability to discover new opportunities, realize yourself and create economic and social value. The incentive of entrepreneurship in Europe is […]

Study visit of European youth workers in Rēzekne

European Association “World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus + Youth Worker Mobility Project – Study Visit “Reality of Youth Work” from September 2-8. The project was organized […]

Upcoming Erasmus+ Project – Study Visit “Reality of Youth Work”

Erasmus+ project Study visit “Reality of youth work” will be organized in Rezekne, Latvia from 2st – 8th September 2022. Participants from 16 partner countries will […]

Aktīvo Iedzīvotāju Fonda projekts “Kapacitātes stiprināšana EA “World-Our Home” attīstībai”

Organizācija European Association “World-Our Home” ir saņēmusi Aktīvo Iedzīvotāju Fonda atbalstu “Kapacitātes projektu konkursā. Šis projektu konkurss bija vērsts uz biedrību un nodibinājumu kapacitātes stiprināšanu ar […]

New Volunteer from Turkey

Bektas Gulcan from 13.07.2022 started to work as a volunteer by the project “Volunteering for Development”, coordinating organisation ıs the European Association “World-Our Home”. Bektas participates […]

Youth exchange project “Nature and Youth” in Rezekne

The European Association "World-Our Home" organized the Erasmus + exchange project "Nature and Youth" from July 6-15. 36 participants from 5 European countries participated in the […]

Youth exchange project “Let’s go to the Nature!” in Rezekne

The European Association "World-Our Home" organized the Erasmus + exchange project "Let's go to the Nature" from June 6-15. 35 participants from 5 European countries participated […]

Volunteer from Ukraine in Rezekne

Mariia Pakhomova from 23.05.2022. started to work as a volunteer in Rezekne State City Council Administration “Social Service”, coordinating organisation European Association “World-Our Home”. Mariia participates […]

Erasmus + project: Training course “Development of Creative and Critical skills of youth workers”

European Association “World-Our Home” successfully finished the Erasmus + project: Training course “Development of Creative and Critical skills of youth workers” which was organized from 14th […]