If you want to become a member of European Association “World-Our Home”

Any person or a legal entity of the Republic of Latvia or European countries can join the Association by submitting a written application in a certain form.

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If your organization wants to become a member of the European Association “World – Our Home”, the first step is to fill the application form in and send a scanned document with the signature to the e-mail address pasauleathome@yahoo.co.uk or by regular post to the address Atbrīvošanas aleja 174, Rēzekne, LV-4604, Latvia.
The decision to admit a member to the Association is made by the Board. The Board must consider the applicant's request at the next statutory meeting, but not later than within two weeks from the receipt of all necessary documents.

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If you want to become a member as an individual person, you need to fill this application form in and send a scanned document with the signature to the e-mail address pasauleathome@yahoo.co.uk or by regular post to the address Atbrīvošanas aleja 174, Rēzekne, LV-4604, Latvia.
The decision to admit a member to the Association is made by the Board. The Board must consider the applicant's request at the next statutory meeting, but not later than within two weeks from the receipt of all necessary documents.

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“Bulgaria “Focus”

Association “Focus – European Center for Development “– Pazardjik was founded like a non-profit organization. Aims: To create a European community of pupils, teachers and parents in the territory of Pazardjik and surroundings that will support the idea of social integration and professional development of adolescents; To implement trainings and experiments about public interest in different problems cooperating with the local authorities.; To develop solidarity and promote tolerance among the public in order to stimulate social cohesion in the European Union. ; To encourage public participation in social life and to strengthen the links between local groups, schools, businesses and municipal authorities. ; To make activities and events to restore and improve the quality of the environment. ; To improve the welfare of disabled people – their acceptance and socialization in their families, among peers, colleagues, friends and among the middle part of the community in which they live. ; To provide an environment where the youth with disabilities will be involved in the activities of their future development. ; To prohibit negative social phenomena’s spreading in the youth environment, such as: crime, aggression, addiction, prostitution, xenophobia and others. Activities: Educational activities – seminars, conferences, training trips, workshops, joint appearances and public awareness of the history and development and achievements of the association. Help to students and parents to improve communication and teamwork. Support of specialists associated with the integration of children with special educational needs.; Preparation of training programs for its members. ; Research activities. ; Public campaigns – developing local policies and strategies based on thorough analysis of needs of target groups. ; Volunteering.

Mr Ivaylo Ivanov

“Malta “Active Youth”

Active Youth is a non-profit and non-political organization and it is run on voluntary basis. Our Mission Statement - To enhance Youth Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Social Inclusion and the acceptance of Cultural Diversity through intercultural learning. Our Youth Policy – Active Youth hold that young citizens can develop their personal and life skills to the full only through learning by doing. Our Motto – I can and I will. Our Target Group – All youth between the ages of 18 and 30 years irrespective of religion, creed, race, colour, gender, sexual orientation and nationality. As our philosophy behind our youth strategy and policy is learning by doing through non formal education, we aim that through the initiatives created by our organization we create a framework where young citizens will have the opportunity to express themselves and become aware of their potential and how to maximize it to the full extant. We instigate our young people to learn how to learn for themselves towards self-confidence. In 2014 our NGO has been accredited as an EVS Hosting, Sending and Coordinating organization.

Mr Alphonse Zammit

“Poland “Kobiety.lodz.pl”

Kobiety.lodz.pl is a non-profit, apolitical, non-governmental consulting-educational organization (formally: association). Its activities focus on supporting educational initiatives and programs in the areas of women activity, human rights, media, social and legal reforms, intercultural exchange, entrepreneurship.
Established in 2000 and located in Łódź (Poland) organization’s main aim was dealing with the promotion and the development of women’s activities.
Since 2006 we are active in the programme European Voluntary Service (currently hosting, sending and coordinating). We have also organized and participated in various youth and seniors exchanges along with training courses.
All those initiatives transformed our work place into multicultural environment, and they are constantly influencing our global thinking. Providing services also include:
– Promoting democratic citizenship and raising awareness of social equality
– Helping to adjust to the new democratic developments and dynamics of the economy market
– Promoting and supporting entrepreneurship

Mrs. Bogumiła Stawicka

Italy “YouNet”

YouNet promotes, designs and carries out: learning mobility and European active citizenship activities at a local, regional, national and international level; short and long term volunteering and learning projects; cultural exchanges; informative, scholastic and professional orienting; cultural, social, sport, recreational and editorial activities; seminars and formative trainings aimed to organizations, social workers and citizens; formative, promotional and informative initiatives related to specific themes linked to the above mentioned topics. YouNet work is based on active participation and involvement, non-formal and informal education and cross-sectorial multidisciplinary approach. YouNet cooperates with: public institutions especially at local and regional level; schools, universities, vocational and other education institutions; public and private social inclusion organizations (e.g. underaged prisons); other NGOs. YouNet is particularly active in the field of youngsters with fewer opportunities and risk groups (ex-offenders, drug addicts, youngsters in rehabilitation centres, migrants). Most of the activists of YouNet were involved in youth exchanges, leaders’ trainings and seminars on social inclusion and youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds. YouNet itself organizes projects and activities on social inclusion at a local and international level. YouNet through formal agreement with the local and regional Europe Direct, the municipality of Bologna and the Emilia-Romagna Region runs at the premises of the municipality of Bologna an infopoint on transnational learning mobility (volunteering, study, internships) in which twice a week YouNet staff give information and support to youngsters and citizens that want to make intercultural, training, education and working experience abroad. YouNet participates in several networks including the Anna-Lindh Foundation and the ERY (European Regions for Youth) network. The ERY Network is a regional network that started in 2007 with the aim to enhance youth participation, influence and cultural exchanges. This agreement on the field of youth policy is signed by the Aquitaine Region (France), Lower Silesia Region (Poland), Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy), Gozo Region (Malta), Hessen Region (Germany), Pays de la Loire Region (France), Vastra-Gotaland Region (Sweden), Valencia Region (Spain), Wales Region (Great Britain) and Wielkopolska Region (Poland).

Mr. Francesco Tarantino

“France “Eurocircle”

EUROCIRCLE is busy with European project management and international youth mobility. The organization was founded in 1993 in Berlin. Eurocircle has been operating as a European NGO since 2006. In January 1996 the association was established as a French non-profit organization with the headquarters located in Marseille. The organization develops and carries out transnational projects, specializing in the international mobility of young people. These projects are designed to foster the emergence of European citizenship based on the values of inter-cultural tolerance, equality, peace, ecology and solidarity.

Mrs. Stéphanie François

Germany “Jugendkulturarbeit e.V.”

Jugendkulturarbeit e.V is an association which has been in existence since 1995. In the field of youth culture, it sees itself as a special interest group, an umbrella organization and a promotion agency. It deals with projects from the areas of dance, theatre, art and music. In March 2012 the organization started also projects for non-formal poltical education (associated of AdB). In addition to assisting external projects financially, Jugendkulturarbeit e.V. also develops projects of its own.
The association tries to recruit mainly members, who are in their teens, since for them it ought to function as a forum to safeguard and publicize their cultural interests.
The special interest group and the umbrella organization are comprised of up to 200 members, children, youth and adults.
Both hosting and sending projects for volunteers are located at the office of Jugendkulturarbeit e.V. Resourced with a staff of two, the office is located at the centre of the three Oldenburg districts Donnerschwee, Nadorst and Ohmstede.


Estonia “NGO Young People with Great Ideas”

iMTÜ Noored Toredate Motetega (MTU NTM, NGO Young People with Great Ideas) has been active since 2002. It has grown from a small operating organization into one, which is responsible for organizing youth camps, youth exchange projects, mobile youth work and has been organizing daily work of several hobby classes. From 2006 until 2008 MTÜ NTM offered an open youth center service in its brand new rooms created for that purpose. From 2014 MTÜ NTM has a mini-bus and is offering mobile youth work and mobile social work service outside of Tartu. In Tartu town where the organization is located, MTÜ NTM is an appreciated partner and acceptable organizer of different events. MTÜ NTM is a member of the umbrella organization named “Association of Estonian Open Youth Centers” and has a good cooperation with different organizations over all Estonia. The main task of the organization since its early years has been supporting the personal initiative of young people and the aim of MTÜ NTM is to offer hobby activities for youngsters. It is non-formal education after school activities and learning during the free time of youngsters. For now our target group is not only youngsters but all community, and we are supporting a sense of community in smaller parishes near Tartu and in Karlova district (where our center is located).

Eit Piret

Greece “Youthfully Yours Gr”

Youthfully Yours Gr is a Non-profit Organization (NGO) from Greece, with activities at local, national & European level, interested in Arts, Environment, Democracy, Employment, Sustainability, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, Volunteering, European and Balkan culture as well as urban and regional activities. YYGR promotes friendship, peace, respect for human rights, anti-racism. Voluntary mutual help on the above matters is the subject to our meetings and therefore activities. YYGR wants to encourage young people to participate in European and International trainings, exchanges, volunteering programs and etc., in order to build a stronger future for our country, acquaint the versatile colorful world we are living in, free of xenophobic attitudes, with a hope for friendship that will last for a lifetime.

Mr. Apostolos Vagenas

Spain “Fundació Catalunya Voluntària”

“Every person, without any type of discrimination, should have the opportunity to show his/her solidarity and volunteer for the benefit of the community he/she lives in”.
The FCV actively promotes solidarity and the Culture of Peace as a tool to transform society and as real opportunities to develop key competences. It uses non-formal, intercultural, service and experiential learning methods to encourage active participation of young people and supports educational, social and cultural youth initiatives with a positive impact in community life.
At local and regional level, the FCV encourages youth volunteering, acts as an information desk for volunteering opportunities and promotes the development of innovative youth voluntary service and senior mentoring programs in collaboration with other voluntary based NGOs and both private and public stakeholders.
At international level the FCV edits publications, organizes events, workshops, campaigns, exhibits and acts as a coordinating, hosting and sending organization for trans-national voluntary service projects, training courses and youth exchanges, helping NGO leaders and young people with fewer opportunities to take part in international events.
Three FCV main programmes are: Catalans Around the World, Voices for Peace and Active Volunteers.
The FCV works in partnership with different civil society NGOs and networks and is an active member of the Youth Council of Barcelona-CJB, the Catalan Federation of Social Volunteering-FCVS, the Anna Lindh Foundation-ALF, the United Network of Young Peacebuilders-UNOY and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict-GPPAC network, among others.
In the FCV there is a senior governing body, assembled by recognized experts from civil society organizations, universities, private companies, including 4 Members of Parliament ( from 4 different parties). Right now the FCV team is assembled by 4 staff workers and around 20 volunteers.

Jaume Marti

Macedonia “Sfera”

SFERA INTERNATIONAL – Bitola is an NGO from Bitola, North Macedonia which was first formed in 2007 like an informal group and in July 2009 it was registered as an NGO.
The general goal of SFERA INTERNATIONAL – Bitola is through non formal methods to educate the population in North Macedonia about the protection of the environment, cultural and natural heritage, with the purpose to raise the awareness of all age groups about the importance of healthy lifestyle and the benefits that come with it.
We have worked on diferent types of project such as:
Tackling the problems of poverty and unemployment;
Developing leadership skills and democracy among youth;
Fire and environmental protection and education;
Organizing trainings, workshops and camps on the national and international level;
Networking with national and international organizations and networks.

Mr. Milcho Duli

Lithuania “NGO Unique Projects”

The organization “Unique Projects” is non-profit and aims to encourage intercultural understanding, sharing of best practices and increase free-time spending alternatives for young people. We encourage perfection of youth, self-discover and widening the circle of personal opportunities. Helpful tools are travelling to foreign countries, communicating with people of other cultures, keeping long-lasting relationship and collaborating. We are building conscious, creative, widely looking and reaching personal goals community of young people. We are using non-formal methods, organizing projects in Lithuania and being partners in projects taking place abroad. In these activities we include young people, give them a chance to gain new knowledge and invaluable experience.

Gabriele Puleikiene

Lykia Scouting and Nature Sports Club Association ( LIDOSK)

Lykia Scouting and Nature Sports Club Association ( LIDOSK) was established for the necessity. The people who want to walk on the paths of the ancient Lycian cities consistently with the youngsters interested in all kind of sports. The common feature of the members of the Board of Directors and Association is interest in nature, sports and a healthy life style.
The concept of nature sports in our country has been very popular all the time. In recent years sports such as mountaineering, hiking, camping, sports such as para-gliding have become more and more popular to the general public. It began to expand very quickly. During this period there was a significant increase in the number of people who are interested in pursuit of these developments. Lycian Scouting Association of Lidosk as an Outdoor Sports Club Association (Lidosk) has been officially established as a necessity. It has been established for hiking on the roads of the ancient Lycian cities constantly. The members of the Association LIDOSK are university students and teachers and adults of different ages. Young people who are interested in nature, sport activities, cultural heritage can join the activities of the Association LIDOSK.
The Association LİDOSK is busy with European youth projects, such as exchange projects, seminars, trainings in Erasmus+ program because the target group of the organization is youth. LIDOSK organizes the youth projects in Turkey as well as it participates with its young representatives in European youth projects in other European countries.

Osman Pisirici

Latvia “Zaļā Zeme”

The main goal of the association “Ekoloģijas un Tūrisma asociācija “Zaļā Zeme” is to promote the knowledge-based society in Europe through non-formal education and cultural heritage. Association is involved in the activities that include promotion of cooperation and mobility between the European education and training systems; strengthening the contribution of non-formal education for personal development and social life.

Ms Vita Gasparenoka