

Upcoming Erasmus+ Project – Study Visit “Reality of Youth Work”

Erasmus+ project Study visit “Reality of youth work” will be organized in Rezekne, Latvia from 2st – 8th September 2022. Participants from 16 partner countries will […]

Aktīvo Iedzīvotāju Fonda projekts “Kapacitātes stiprināšana EA “World-Our Home” attīstībai”

Organizācija European Association “World-Our Home” ir saņēmusi Aktīvo Iedzīvotāju Fonda atbalstu “Kapacitātes projektu konkursā. Šis projektu konkurss bija vērsts uz biedrību un nodibinājumu kapacitātes stiprināšanu ar […]

New Volunteer from Turkey

Bektas Gulcan from 13.07.2022 started to work as a volunteer by the project “Volunteering for Development”, coordinating organisation ıs the European Association “World-Our Home”. Bektas participates […]

Youth exchange project “Nature and Youth” in Rezekne

The European Association "World-Our Home" organized the Erasmus + exchange project "Nature and Youth" from July 6-15. 36 participants from 5 European countries participated in the […]

Youth exchange project “Let’s go to the Nature!” in Rezekne

The European Association "World-Our Home" organized the Erasmus + exchange project "Let's go to the Nature" from June 6-15. 35 participants from 5 European countries participated […]

Volunteer from Ukraine in Rezekne

Mariia Pakhomova from 23.05.2022. started to work as a volunteer in Rezekne State City Council Administration “Social Service”, coordinating organisation European Association “World-Our Home”. Mariia participates […]

Erasmus + project: Training course “Development of Creative and Critical skills of youth workers”

European Association “World-Our Home” successfully finished the Erasmus + project: Training course “Development of Creative and Critical skills of youth workers” which was organized from 14th […]

Youth exchange project “Stay safe” in Kaunas, Lithuania

From 28th March till 7th April 2022 7 young people and 1 leader from Latvia, Rezekne participated in the Erasmus + Youth exchange project “Stay Safe” […]

Project “15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement” Final information

European Association “World-Our Home” is working on the Final Report of the project “15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement”, which was funded by the Europe for Citizens […]