2018 – Projects in Latvia

Erasmus + KA 3 Civil Society Cooperation: Youth


The aim of European Association “World – Our Home” in the work program 2018 is to continue the promotion of active participation of young people and youth workers in democratic life, youth policy, decision-making process, European matters, as well as promotion of intercultural, social and professional activities through non-formal learning, involving youth into it and promoting qualitative development of youth work. Implementation of the work program will be reached with cooperation of 14 member organizations from 13 EU countries and 18 active partner organizations from EU countries. The work program will support and develop high quality of youth activities across Europe, contributing to their recognition and creating a sustainable impact of youth involvement into education and employment. It will involve about 4132 direct and 30 000 indirect participants from Europe.

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EVS short term project “SPringboard for INclusion and Growth!”


European Association “World-Our Home” hosted 2 volunteers for 2 month project in Rezekne, Latvia from 27.06.2018. – 28.08.2018. Project was organized in the framework of European Voluntary Service under Erasmus + programme.

We hosted 2 volunteers from France Capucine Louchet and Loïc de Bruyn.

The volunteers were involved in various tasks to help the organisation staff in the organising of the summer camps, different activities in the organisation. Volunteers had the possibility to attend European People Festival in Lithuania and participate in the team from Latvia, Rezekne. The volunteers: - gave French classes to the kids, - introduced their country, city and culture to the children; -participated in sport activities outside, -helped the staff to implement different games.

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EVS project “EVS Unites Youth 1”

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Three European volunteers from Germany - organization “Jugendkulturarbeit” the town Oldenburg, from France - organization “Eurocircle” the town Marseille and from Italy - organization “YouNet” the town Bologna participated in various activities in Rezekne (Latvia) within the framework of EVS project “EVS Unites Youth” 2016-3-LV02-KA105-001348 from February 2017- June 2018. They worked in European Association “World-Our Home” and the kindergarten “Namins” in Rezekne.
The main aim of the project was to integrate and unite the European volunteers and local young people, promoting European culture, language and Erasmus + programme. In this way we want to improve understanding of youth and surrounding people about European awareness and involve them into European social processes by giving an opportunity to communicate with and get on with other European cultures.

Volunteers from Germany and Italy worked in European Association “World-Our Home”. Their duties were to inform Rezekne society about traditions and culture of their countries of origin, thus motivating for participation in various European youth exchanges and European Voluntary Service. Volunteers also helped in daily work of the staff, preparation of seminars and meetings, communication with partners via e-mail, organization of different events, as well as providing information about voluntary service and different opportunities for youth. They organized English, German, Spanish and Italian language lessons for local people. A volunteer from France worked in the kindergarten „Namiņš”. Her work was assisting teachers during the workshops, support activities related to meal serving, preparing the lessons and education tools together with teachers, talking to and playing with children, providing them with language lessons, organizing different music, dance, sport games and activities. The project had a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. As a result of the project, partner organizations gained new experience in cooperation with partners, implementation of a qualified project, increasing the number of sending volunteers. The hosting organizations gained experience in hosting volunteers, got to know other cultures, they felt intercultural environment in the working place every day. The volunteers got a big experience doing their tasks in the hosting organizations, it affected the future of young people’s career choices, professional and personal growth.


EVS project “EVS Unites Youth 2”

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Two European volunteers Nils Burkert from Germany and Francesca Quitadamo from Italy participated in various activities in Rezekne, Latvia within the framework of EVS project "EVS Unites Youth". They worked in European Association "World-Our Home" and the kindergarten "Namins" for 12 months in 2018-2019. The main aim of the project was to integrate and unite the European volunteers and local young people, promoting European cultures, languages and Erasmus + programme. In this way we wanted to improve the understanding of youth and surrounding people about European awareness and involve them into European social processes by giving an opportunity to communicate with and get on with other European cultures.
The volunteer from Italy Francesca Quitadamo worked in European Association "World-Our Home". Her duties were to inform Rezekne society about traditions and culture of her country of origin, thus motivating for participation in various European youth exchanges and European Voluntary Service. The volunteer also helped in daily work of the staff, in preparation of seminars and meetings, in communication with partners via e-mail, in organization of different events, as well as in providing information about voluntary service and different opportunities for youth. She organized English, German and Italian language lessons for local people. The volunteer from Germany Nils Burkert worked in the kindergarten „Namiņš”. His work consisted of assisting teachers during the workshops, support activities related to meal serving, preparing the lessons and education tools together with teachers, talking to and playing with children, providing them with language lessons, organizing different music, dance, sport games and activities. The volunteers’ communication with local young people made a great contribution into their education process. The project had a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. As a result of the project, the partner organizations got a new experience in cooperation with partners, implementation of a qualified project, increasing the number of sending volunteers. The hosting organizations got the experience in hosting volunteers, they got to know other cultures, felt intercultural environment in a working place every day, got new ideas, methods and experience. The volunteers got a big experience doing their tasks in the hosting organizations, it affected the future of young people's career choices, professional and personal growth.

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EVS project “Nations and Generations 1”

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Three European volunteers Tibo El Hachfi from France, Alexandra Garcia Pantino from Spain and Arman Isajanyan from Armenia participated in EVS project "Nations and Generations" in Rezekne, Latvia and worked in Rezekne pensioners' social service center from 20017-2018. The aim of this project was to promote intergenerational understanding of cultural diversity and to promote tolerance and mutual understanding among people, as well as to develop intercultural dialogue and cooperation between foreign young people and inhabitants of Rezekne. In this way we wanted to improve understanding of youth and surrounding people about European awareness and involve them into European social processes by giving an opportunity to communicate with and get on with other European cultures. Nowadays there is a weak communication and collaboration between the generations, which increase social exclusion and affect the quality of life for all generations. Generations should cooperate among themselves and respect each another. Volunteers from Spain, France and Armenia implemented activities in Rezekne pensioners' social service center with old people and young people with special needs. Their main tasks consisted of helping the staff to take care of old people and youth who need help, organizing creative activities in the Center, language workshops, doing sport activities and exercises, walking outside with old people and young people with special needs. They made the seniors’ life in the Center more colourful, active and international. All project activities were based on non-formal education methods, thus allowing young people to acquire new knowledge, skills, competences, to learn new things, develop themselves both professionally and personally.

Erasmus + Seminar „Youth work for youth development”

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From 7 to 13 March 2018, the European Association “World-Our Home” organized a European seminar “Youth work for youth development” in Rēzekne, Latvia within the framework of the ERASMUS + program. The project involved 37 participants from 16 European youth organizations and 13 European countries - Latvia, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Macedonia, Turkey, Spain, Romania, Croatia, Greece, Poland, Portugal and Malta.

The main AIM of the seminar was to gather youth workers to discuss and exchange the experience in youth work and Erasmus + programme and its impact to the personal, socio-educational and professional development of young people and European society nowadays. Youth work is an important element for youth development. It can result in a range of positive outcomes for young people which enable them to develop skills and competences in a diverse range of areas, strengthen their network and social capital, change particular behaviors, build positive relationships. For more than 30 years the European youth and mobility programmes have promoted European values, as participation in democratic life, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, tolerance and solidarity among young people around Europe and beyond. Since their very beginning, these programmes have provided young people with opportunities to work on issues of political and social importance, in an effort to engage them as makers of the changes which they want to see in their local communities, national societies and Europe. But now we see that over the last decade Europe has experienced unprecedented political challenges: an economic and financial crisis that has negatively impacted on European young people, the threat of violent extremism, terrorist attacks, growing intolerance, racism and xenophobia. Young people are losing their belief in peaceful Europe. Racism, xenophobia and intolerance between different nationalities are raising more and more, especially after recent terrorist attacks in Europe. Youth organizations and youth work play a very important role in reducing xenophobia, intolerance and racism among young people. Youth work can affect the lives of young people and in non-formal way guide them to the right direction in their lives. During this seminar different non-formal educational methods were used: discussions, presentations, round table discussions, games, team work, practical exercises, intercultural evening, study visits in order to contribute non-formal learning process.

Evaluating this project, participants acknowledged that the knowledge and experience gained from the workshops will be very useful in working with young people across Europe. At the beginning of the seminar, the participants were in a visit to the Eastern Latvia Creative Services Center "Zeimuļs" and the Youth Center "JACis", where they got acquainted with youth activities and realities of organizations in Latvia related to non-formal education opportunities and work with young people. Participants were able to compare work with young people in Latvia and their own countries. A lot of positive feedback was received about the activities of "Zeimuļs" and the opportunities that the center provides to local youth and children. In many countries, children and young people do not have such non-formal learning opportunities at all. Positive feedback was also received about one of the facilitators of the seminar - Natalia Gudakovska, who not only led the seminar process, but also shared her practical experience in working with young people and provided new knowledge to the project participants.

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