

Training course “Health On”

The “Health On” project is a training course that took place in A Coruña, Galicia, Spain from 25th September – 1st October 2023. European Association “World-Our […]

Photo exhibition in Rezekne

European Association “World-Our Home” organized photo exhibition in Rezekne city for local citizens, especially, young people and youth workers, to present the work which was done […]

Training course “Happiness for You(th)” in Bulgaria

Erasmus+ Training course “Happiness for You(th)” took place from 1-10 September 2023 in Bransko, Bulgaria. European Association “World-Our Home” participated in the project as a partner […]

APV meeting “Happiness for You(th)” in Luxembourg

The APV meeting took place on the 30th and 31st of August 2023. European Association “World-Our Home” representative Inese Rogozina participated in the meeting. During the […]

Partnership Building Activity “Tejeredes’”

European Association “World-Our Home” representative participated in Partnership Building Activity “Tejeredes” in Spain from 23-29 March 2023. This mobility for youth workers aims to create long-term […]

Exploring European Volunteering

European Association “World-Our Home” representative participated in Erasmus+ Contact Making Event “Exploring European Volunteering” in North Macedonia from 23 to 29 January 2023. The idea behind […]

Study visit of European youth workers in Rēzekne

European Association “World-Our Home” organized the Erasmus + Youth Worker Mobility Project – Study Visit “Reality of Youth Work” from September 2-8. The project was organized […]

Training Course “Don’t be mean behind the screen” in Croatia

From 13th to 18th of September 2021 European Association “World-Our Home” sent participants from Latvia to the Erasmus+ project – Training Course “Don’t be mean behind […]

World-Our Home celebrates International and European Days

European Association “World-Our Home” during whole year will organize online and offline youth activities to celebrate International days in 2021 through non-formal learning, encouraging young people […]