2021 – Projects in Latvia

Europe for Citizens project "15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement"”


Project "15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement" is financed by Europe for Citizens programme, Strand 1 – Remembrance. It is created by four organizations from four European countries- Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. Participating organizations are KOBIETY.LODZ.PL from Poland, Lodz; Unique Projects from Lithuania, Kaunas; MTÜ Noored Toredate Mõtetega from Estonia, Tartu and a project coordinator European Association “World-Our Home” from Latvia, Rezekne. Project started in 2019 and will last till 2022. In 2021 we will have international seminar in Estonia, International forum in Latvia, Final conference in Latvia, Photo exhibitions in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and we will continue to work to finish the Research and Documentary film. Year 2019 is a year of remembrance, marking the 15th Anniversary of the enlargement of the EU.

AIMS of the project are: 1. to raise awareness of citizens about an important historical, economic and political event in 2004 - the enlargement of the EU, which was the largest expansion of the EU in terms of territory, number of states and population 2. to involve into the project social organizations, town municipalities, museums, libraries, universities and schools for cross-sectorial cooperation to achieve more success in this project 3. to create the stable network of Eastern European countries with the aim to disseminate the values of the EU among European and neighbouring countries, to strengthen the EU on its eastern border, to work together for the benefits of the European Union.

MAIN ACTIVITIES: This anniversary is an excellent starting point for analyses and debates on the Eastern countries' transition from dictatorship to democracy and their 15 years integration and achievements after the EU expansion. Conferences and seminars with presentation of analyses how the EU accession influenced democratic standards and practices in Eastern European countries, photo exhibitions (the theme of the photo exhibition is comparing the past and the present), video with interviews will be organized in every partner-country. An international conference with final analyses and a common photo exhibition will be held at the end of the project.

OUTCOMES: The final goal of these project's activities are Documentary film, the Research, public events, photo exhibitions to promote the achievements of European expansion process and to advance future development of the EU. The network of EE countries will be created also for this purpose as a result of the project. About 390 direct and 20000 indirect participants will be involved in the project.

More information you can find in the home page of the project.


or in facebook page


The Research of the project:


Decumentary film: The Research of the project:


Download PDF:

15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement PDF

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European Solidarity Corps project “Volunteers for Change

The volunteer from Spain Cristina AUSEJO DE MIGUEL worked in Rezekne Pensioners' Social Service Center from August 2021 till October 2021. The project partner organization is "Asociación Brújula Intercultural" from Spain, Burgos.

The volunteer from Russian Federation Anna SOKOLOVA as well worked in Rezekne Pensioners' Social Service Center from October 2021 till April 2022. The project partner organization is Limited liability company "Movement Sfera" from Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation.

One more volunteer from Russian Federation Anastasija Kirpikova worked in European Association “World-Our Home” from September 2021 till April 2022.

The main tasks for the volunteers who worked in Pensioner's Center consisted of organizing creative activities in the Center, language workshops, doing sport activities and exercises, walking outside with old people. The European volunteers can make the Center's life more colourful, active and international.

The main tasks for the volunteer who worked in European Association “World-Our Home” were work in the office, to create some new ideas for the projects, to help in writing the youth projects , to inform Rezekne society about traditions and culture of his country of origin, thus motivating for participation in various European youth exchanges and European Voluntary Service.

The main motivation of the organization EA “World-Our Home” for implementation of volunteering activities is to promote solidarity between different generations, nations, cultures and religions, to contribute to strengthening democracy, citizenship in Europe and European cooperation.

The project objectives are the following: to give young people opportunities to learn new set of professional skills, gain experience in leadership, team building and communication, develop intercultural dialogue and cooperation between young people and local inhabitants for better employment opportunities in the future. Through this project we want to promote solidarity between nations, to integrate and unite the European volunteers and local young people, promoting European cultures, languages and European Solidarity Corps programme, as well as to make changes in young people's life and environment around them. The project has a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. In result of the project the partner organizations will gain new experience in cooperation with partners and implementation of a qualified project.

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Support from Ministry of Culture Republic of Latvia


European Association "World - Our Home" has received the support - co-financing from the Ministry of Culture Republic of Latvia for the project "15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement" which was approved by EACEA “Europe for Citizens” programme Strand 1 – Remembrance.

The project application was submitted in the programme "State budget sub-program 67.06.00" Implementation of European Community Initiative projects and measures "and state budget sub-program 26.01.00" Implementation of society integration measures "Competition for co-financing for projects supported within the European Commission, international organizations or foreign funds in 2021".

(„Valsts budžeta apakšprogrammas 67.06.00 „Eiropas Kopienas iniciatīvas projektu un pasākumu īstenošana” un valsts budžeta apakšprogrammas 26.01.00 „Sabiedrības integrācijas pasākumu īstenošana” Eiropas Komisijas, starptautisko organizāciju vai ārvalstu fondu ietvaros atbalstītajiem projektiem 2021.gadā paredzētā līdzfinansējuma piešķiršanas konkurss”.)

Project "15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement" is created by four organizations from four European countries- Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. Year 2019 is a year of remembrance, marking the 15th Anniversary of the enlargement of the EU. The AIMS of the project are: 1. to raise awareness of citizens about the important historical, economic and political event in 2004 - the enlargement of the EU, which was the largest expansion of the EU in terms of territory, number of states and population, 2. to involve social organizations, town municipalities, museums, libraries, universities and schools into the project for cross-sectorial cooperation to achieve more success in the activities of the project, 3. to create the stable network of Eastern European countries with the aim to disseminate the values of the EU among European and neighbouring countries, to strengthen the EU on its eastern border, to work together for the benefits of the EU.

European Solidarity Corps project “Volunteering for development”

The volunteer from Russian Federation Iuliia KRAMARENKO worked in Rezekne Pensioners' Social Service Center from September 2021 till January 2022. The project partner organization is Limited liability company "Movement Sfera" from Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation.

The main tasks for the volunteers who worked in Pensioner's Center consisted of organizing creative activities in the Center, language workshops, doing sport activities and exercises, walking outside with old people. The European volunteers can make the Center's life more colourful, active and international.

The main motivation of the organization EA “World-Our Home” for implementation of volunteering activities is to promote solidarity between different generations, nations, cultures and religions, to contribute to strengthening democracy, citizenship in Europe and European cooperation.

The project objectives are the following: to give young people opportunities to learn new set of professional skills, gain experience in leadership, team building and communication, develop intercultural dialogue and cooperation between young people and local inhabitants for better employment opportunities in the future. Through this project we want to promote solidarity between nations, to integrate and unite the European volunteers and local young people, promoting European cultures, languages and European Solidarity Corps programme, as well as to make changes in young people's life and environment around them. The project has a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. In result of the project the partner organizations will gain new experience in cooperation with partners and implementation of a qualified project

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Project SMILE “Students’ Mobility In the Lands of Europe”


European Association „World-Our Home” participated in the project SMILE (Students’ Mobility In the Lands of Europe) which was coordinated by the school Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Pietro Scalcerle in Padova, Italy.

European Association „World-Our Home” hosted 4 Italian students for 3 weeks in Rezekne, Latvia.

The aim of the SMILE project was to offer students the opportunity to gain practice in Russian language, to get new experience in foreign country, practice and international experience.

4 Italian students took part in the project – Lucrezia Bernardini , Sara Marcante , Alessia Vedovato , Alice Boesso. They spent 3 weeks from 12.09.2021. – 2.10.2021. in Latvia, Rezekne, worked in Rezekne secondary school nr.3, Rezekne primary school – development center and Centre of Creative Services of Eastern Latvia “Zeimuļs”.

The students who came to Latvia practicing Russian language skills, which they had already acquired in their school, choosing Russian as an optional subject.

The project also aims to develop students’ creativity and ability to find solutions to new problems at work and in the business environment. At European level, this goal is closely linked to foreign language skills. Project was funded by the programme Erasmus +.

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European Association “World-Our Home” on 10h December organized Final Conference of the project “Youth Code”. It was held in Rezekne, Latvia. Final conference was organized to […]

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