European Association participates in the Erasmus + project “VOICE” (Volunteering Opportunities to Improve Cohesion and Empowerment). Project coordinating organization is YouNet from Italy and partners from 5 world countries: Social Youth Development, KANE from Greece;
Volunteer Spirit Association from Thailand; DISHA International Foundation Trust from India and The Asociación Colombiana para el Intercambio Juvenil Cultural from Colombia.

This project intends to develop
structured innovative actions towards increasing the quality of international volunteering mobility (IVM) and building capacity of the youth organizations actively engaged in transnational learning mobility, both sending and receiving international volunteers. VOICE aims to promote IVM as a way to boost youths’ employability potential, foster active European citizenship and feeling as citizens of the world, overcome passivity of younger Europeans and create environment for increasing quality of the IVM supporting organizations.
Project started already on
01/12/2018 and will last till
30/11/2020. Project activities that were already done is:
1. KICK OFF meeting in Aurangabad, India, February 2019
2. International Training Course, Bologna, Italy, June 2019
3. Local workshops in all partner countries between June and July 2019
4. EVS activities, Hosting project in Colombia, India and Thailand from March 2020 to May 2020.
European Association “World-Our Home” sent 2 volunteers from Latvia to Colombia, Bogota from March 2020 till May 2020 - Mārtiņš Mozga and Rihards Zeiļa.
Volunteers just returned from the volunteering project and here is the short video from the life in Bogota. Unfortunately Covid 19 also influenced the activities of the project but in general the volunteering experience is always a wonderful life experience.