2020 – Projects in Latvia

EVS project „Nations and generations 2”

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In 2019-2020 two European volunteers Joshua Guacaneme Sanchez from Spain and Oleg Ignatenko from Russian Federation participated in the Erasmus+ EVS project "Nations and Generations" in Rezekne, Latvia and worked in Rezekne Pensioners' Social Service Center. The aim of this project was to promote intergenerational understanding of cultural diversity and to promote tolerance and mutual understanding among people, as well as to develop intercultural dialogue and cooperation between foreign young people and local inhabitants of Rezekne. In this way we want to improve the understanding of youth and surrounding people about European awareness and involve them into European social processes by giving an opportunity to communicate and get to know other European cultures. Nowadays there is a weak communication and collaboration between different generations, which increase social exclusion and affect the quality of life for all generations. Different generations should cooperate among themselves and respect each another.

The volunteers from the Russian Federation and Spain implemented activities in Rezekne Pensioners' Social Service Center with old people. The main tasks for the volunteers who worked in Pensioner's Center consisted of organizing creative activities in the Center, language workshops, doing sport activities and exercises, walking outside with old people. The European volunteers can make the Center's life more colourful, active and international.

All project activities were based on non-formal education methods, thus allowing young people to acquire new knowledge, skills, competences, to learn new things, to develop themselves both professionally and personally. The volunteers’ communications with local people make a great contribution in their educational process. The project had a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. In result of the project partner organisations gained a new experience in cooperation with partners, implementation of a qualified project, increasing the number of sending volunteers.

The hosting organisation gained experience hosting volunteers, got to know other cultures, felt intercultural environment in a working place every day, gained new ideas, methods and experience. The volunteers got a big experience doing their tasks in the hosting organisation; it will affect the future of young people's career choices, professional and personal growth.

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EVS project „Jeunesse et Culture en Normandie”

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Bryann Horckmans from France works in European Association „World-Our Home” as an EVS volunteer. He will work in European Association "World-Our Home” till August 2020. His duties are to work in the office, to create some new ideas for the projects, to help in writing the youth projects , to inform Rezekne society about traditions and culture of his country of origin, thus motivating for participation in various European youth exchanges and European Voluntary Service. The volunteer helps in daily work of the staff, preparation of seminars and meetings, communication with partners via e-mail, organization of different events, as well as in providing information about voluntary service and different opportunities for youth. The volunteers` communications with local young people make a great contribution in their educational process. The project had a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. The volunteer gets a good experience doing his tasks in the hosting organization, it can affect the future of his career choices, professional and personal growth.

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European Association "World - Our Home" has received the support - co-financing from the Ministry of Culture Republic of Latvia for the project "15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement" which was approved by EACEA “Europe for Citizens” programme Strand 1 – Remembrance.


The project application was submitted in the programme "State budget sub-program 67.06.00" Implementation of European Community Initiative projects and measures "and state budget sub-program 26.01.00" Implementation of society integration measures "Competition for co-financing for projects supported within the European Commission, international organizations or foreign funds in 2020".

(„Valsts budžeta apakšprogrammas 67.06.00 „Eiropas Kopienas iniciatīvas projektu un pasākumu īstenošana” un valsts budžeta apakšprogrammas 26.01.00 „Sabiedrības integrācijas pasākumu īstenošana” Eiropas Komisijas, starptautisko organizāciju vai ārvalstu fondu ietvaros atbalstītajiem projektiem 2020.gadā paredzētā līdzfinansējuma piešķiršanas konkurss”.) Project "15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement" is created by four organizations from four European countries- Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. Year 2019 is a year of remembrance, marking the 15th Anniversary of the enlargement of the EU. The AIMS of the project are: 1. to raise awareness of citizens about the important historical, economic and political event in 2004 - the enlargement of the EU, which was the largest expansion of the EU in terms of territory, number of states and population, 2. to involve social organizations, town municipalities, museums, libraries, universities and schools into the project for cross-sectorial cooperation to achieve more success in the activities of the project, 3. to create the stable network of Eastern European countries with the aim to disseminate the values of the EU among European and neighbouring countries, to strengthen the EU on its eastern border, to work together for the benefits of the EU.

Project “Nonformal thinking - nonformal learning!”
(Projekts “Neformāli domā – neformāli mācies!”)

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The aim of the project is to use non-formal education methods, to motivate young people to get involved in the educational process, to understand the importance of different forms of education in young people's development, to encourage them to be active, creative, dare to participate in social processes and cooperate with each other.

The main activities of the project will be various non-formal education activities that will increase the motivation of young people and especially young people with fewer opportunities to continue their studies and understand the importance of education in their lives, as well as the project activities will promote active youth participation. During the project period, the administration of the project will be performed by 3 persons who will be involved into all the activities of the project.
During the project activities, young people will have the opportunity to get to know what non-formal education is, how it can affect young people's lives, what opportunities are provided for young people both in Latvia and abroad. In the interactive way there will be presented youth opportunities to be involved into various European youth projects and volunteering work in the frame of European Solidarity Corps. As a part of the project activities, young people will also gain the knowledge about ecological issues, which are especially important nowadays, and it is not talked a lot about at school, also about a healthy lifestyle and healthy food. The project will give young people the opportunity to learn languages in an interactive way and become aware of the importance of foreign languages in the modern world, which will increase their motivation to learn languages at school. Young people will have the opportunity to feel the importance of rhythm and movement in self-growing and of being open-minded, as well as they will get the skills to cooperate with other young people.

The main target group of the project is 20 young people of 13-17 years old, including 7 young people with fewer possibilities who have various difficulties in their daily life, for example learning difficulties, domestic violence, different disadvantages, conflicts with other young people, poor economic conditions or health problems. As a result of the project, young people will be more motivated to continue their education, recognizing that getting an education is important both for themselves and for our society as a whole. As a result of the project, young people will gain new skills, knowledge and experience, learn to communicate, work in a team, be tolerant to each other, and realize that young people have a huge opportunity to develop, as long as they have the desire and motivation to study and work.

Projekta mērķis ir izmantojot neformālās izglītības metodes, veicināt jauniešu motivāciju iesaistīties izglītības procesā, izprast dažādas formas izglītības nozīmi jauniešu attīstībā, veicināt viņus būt aktīviem, radošiem, uzdrošināties līdzdarboties sabiedriskos procesos un sadarbieties vienam ar otru.

Projekta galvenās aktivitātes būs dažādas neformālās izglītības aktivitātes, kas veicinās jauniešu un īpaši PMP riskas grupas jauniešu motivāciju turpināt mācības un izprast izglītības nozīmi viņu dzīvē, kā arī veicinās jauniešu aktīvu līdzdalību. Projekta laikā tiks veikta projekta administrēšana, kurā tiks iesaistīti 3 dabinieki. Projekta aktivitāšu laikā jauniešiem būs iespēja iepazīt, kas ir neformālā izglītība, kā tā spēj ietekmēt jauniešu dzīvi, kādas iespējas jauniešiem ir sniegtas neformālās izglītības jomā gan Latvijā, gan ārpus tās, interaktīvā veidā tiks prezentētas mūsdienu jauniešu iespējas iesaistīties dažādos projektos un brīvprātīgajā darbā. Projekta aktivitāšu ietvaros jaunieši iegūs zināšanas arī par ekoloģijas jautājumiem, kas mūsdienās ir īpaši svarīgi un diezgan maz par to tiek runāts skolā, par veselīgu dzīvesveidu un pārtiku. Projektā jauniešiem būs iespēja interaktīvā veidā mācīties valodas un apzināties svešvalodu nozīmi mūsdienu pasaulē, kas veicinās lielāku motivāciju valodu apguvei skolā. Jauniešiem būs iespēja izjust ritma un kustību nozīmi pašizaugsmē un atvērtībā, kā arī sadarboties ar citiem jauniešiem.

Projekta galvenā mērķa grupa ir 20 jaunieši no 13-17 gadu vecumam, tai skaitā 7 PMP jaunieši, kuri ikdienā saskaras ar dāžādām grūtībām, t.i. grūtības mācībās, vardarbība ģimenē, nelabvēlīgi apstākļi ģimenē, konflikti ar vienaudžiem, materiālie apstākļi un veselības problēmas.

Projekta rezultātā jauniešiem būs lielāka motivācija turpināt mācības apzinoties to,ka izglītības iegūšana ir svarīga gan pašiem, gan visai mūsu sabiedrībai. Projekta rezultātā jaunieši iegūs jaunas prasmes, zināšanas un pieredzi, iemācīsies komunicēties, darboties komandā, būt tolerantiem vienam pret ortu un apzināties, to, ka jauniešiem ir milzīgi daudz iespēju attīstīties, ja vien pašiem ir vēlme un motivācija darboties.


Europe for Citizens project "15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement"


Project "15th Anniversary of EU Enlargement" is financed by Europe for Citizens programme, Strand 1 – Remembrance. It is created by four organizations from four European countries- Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. Participating organizations are KOBIETY.LODZ.PL from Poland, Lodz; Unique Projects from Lithuania, Kaunas; MTÜ Noored Toredate Mõtetega from Estonia, Tartu and a project coordinator European Association “World-Our Home” from Latvia, Rezekne.

Year 2019 is a year of remembrance, marking the 15th Anniversary of the enlargement of the EU.

The AIMS of the project are:
1. to raise awareness of citizens about an important historical, economic and political event in 2004 - the enlargement of the EU, which was the largest expansion of the EU in terms of territory, number of states and population;
2. to involve social organizations, town municipalities, museums, libraries, universities and schools into the project for cross-sectorial cooperation to achieve more success in the activities of the project;
3. to create the stable network of Eastern European countries with the aim to disseminate the values of the EU among European and neighbouring countries, to strengthen the EU on its eastern border, to work together for the benefits of the European Union.

This anniversary is an excellent starting point for analyses and debates on the Eastern countries' transition from dictatorship to democracy and their 15 years integration and achievements after the EU expansion. Conferences and seminars with presentation of analyses how the EU accession influenced democratic standards and practices in Eastern European countries, photo exhibitions (the theme of the photo exhibition is comparing the past and the present), video with interviews will be organized in every partner-country. An international conference with final analyses and a common photo exhibition will be held at the end of the project.

OUTCOMES: The final goal of these project's activities with interviews with video, analyses, TV debates, public events, photo exhibitions is to promote the achievements of European expansion process and to advance future development of the EU. The network of EE countries will be created also for this purpose as a result of the project. About 390 direct and 20000 indirect participants will be involved in the project.
Project started in 2019 and will last till 2021.

More information you can find in the home page of the project.


or in facebook page


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European Solidarity Corps project “Volunteers for Change”

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One volunteer from Germany Stefanie Meyer started this new European Solidarity Corps project and worked in the Pre-School “Namiņš” in Rezekne, Latvia from September 2019 till August 2020. The project partner organization is "JUGENDKULTURARBEIT EV" from Germany, Oldenburg.

The main tasks for the volunteer in the kindergarten „Namiņš” consisted of assisting teachers during the workshops, support activities related to the meal serving, preparing the lessons and education tools together with teachers, talking to and playing with children, providing them with language lessons, organizing different music, dance, sport games and activities. The main motivation of the organization EA “World-Our Home” for implementation of volunteering activities is to promote solidarity between different generations, nations, cultures and religions, to contribute to strengthening democracy and citizenship in Europe and European cooperation.

The project objectives are the following: to give young people opportunities to learn new sets of professional skills, gain experience in leadership, team building and communication, develop intercultural dialogue and cooperation between young people and local inhabitants for better employment opportunities in the future. Through this project we want to promote solidarity between nations, to integrate and unite the European volunteers and local young people, promoting European cultures, languages and European Solidarity Corps programme, as well as to make changes in young people's life and environment around them. The project has a great importance in social integration, promotion of motivation of young people from Latgale region to participate in European youth projects. As a result of the project, the partner organization will gain a new experience in cooperation with partners and implementation of a qualified project.

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