The year 2024 for EA “World-Our Home” volunteers is almost over and full of new skills, international experiences, non-formal education, adventures, fun events, interesting people and new knowledge.
During 2024, the EA “World-Our Home” family of volunteers has had a total of 9 volunteers Shushan MANUKYAN from Armenia, Şaban ÇiçEK from Turkey, Sona KARAPETYAN from Armenia , Lasha BERIKISHVILI from Georgia, Vanuhi ASPATURIAN from Armenia, Umut PALABIYIK from Turkey, Sevcan BOZKURT from Turkey, Kursat DOGAN from Turkey and FATMA ESRA GORMEZ from Turkey. 2 volunteers European Association “World-Our Home” sent to volunteering projects abroad – Olga Strogonova from Latvia went to the project in Armenia and Alona Prišvina went to the project in Slovakia.
In December 2024 arrived and started activities in their projects new volunteers from Turkey Mahsum Danisman and Ahmet Bildirici from Turkey.
In total 11 volunteers were hosted in Rezekne, Latvia from different countries in whole 2024 and 2 volunteers were sent to Armenia and Slovakia.
Volunteers were active in their projects, met many local young people, formed new, international friendships, cooperation. Volunteers improved their personal and professional skills, got non-formal education and life skills. Volunteers improved their English skills.
In the multi-functional center of Rezekne, where many volunteers work in their projects, they are happy that the volunteers are so active, they help in the daily work with disabled young people, create activities, decorate events and make the life of the center much brighter. Volunteers at the preschool institution “Namiņš” also work actively with the little children, play and learn together and volunteers have already become great friends for the little ones.
In their projects, volunteers learn, improve and gain a lot of new things for themselves, their future through non-formal education methods.